Frequently Asked Questions
I need an animal with specific skill - can you help?
Yes absolutely! We have wide range of animal talent to offer. Please send us your requirements and as much information as possible about your requirements including location information, scripts & storyboards if available.
What are your costs?
Our prices vary depending on the animal & whether they are cast for special skills such as trick/ stunt horses or guard dogs. Exotic animals are also higher costs.
Each comes with a Handler/ Trainer (£150) alongside a Performing Animals Licence Holder (£250)
We only work to Full Day Rates when filming....Prep days (including meetings) are charged at Half Day Rates.
All animal transport & accommodation (if req) must be covered by productions.
Where are you based?
We are based in Ayrshire but cover & can transport animals all over Scotland.
(we are DEFRA licence holders for the transport of animals for commercial purposes)
Is there any animal you cannot provide?
- We are unable to provide Animals considered to be dangerous on the 'Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1979' however we are able coordinate with other animal handlers & licence holders to provide some animals within this category (eg: Scorpions & Snakes).
- We are unable to support any film which intends to feature or promote UK banned breeds or may glamorise cosmetically altered animals, this includes any dogs with cropped tails/ ears.
How are your animals trained?
With love and kindness! We believe the best kind of animal is a happy one, they all consider 'work' as a game through using natural & positive methods. We assess and place the right animals for their roles and do not enter them in situations we feel would make them uncomfortable. Animals are trained & prepared for all their requirements. Their safety & well being is our first priority at all times.
Where possible we also work with rescue shelters to help animals increase their chances of adoption!
I have an animal I would like to be considered for roles.
We are always looking for potential stars in all shapes & sizes! Please send us details of your pet, your location & contact. Alongside high quality photos of them and details of any specific skillsets.
To be considered, animals must be:
- Owned by you
- Insured with third party liability
- Friendly, safe & well socialised
- For Dogs: basic commands (Sit, Lay, Stay) & a solid recall
- Handleable & tame
- Comfortable in busy environments & both open/ enclosed spaces